& it’s off!

STONE’S THROE is off to Evil Hat, which means, barring edits on it and SHAMAN RISES (which are due Monday) I’m out of contract. Normally this would be a terrifying time in a writer’s career, but I’ve got some irons in the fire; my Guildmaster Saga, the YA novels I’ve been working on, are being shopped around, and I’m looking at Patreon to do a MAGIC & MANNERS crowdfund. So those are cool things, and we’ll see how they go. Everything else is longer term (like, y’know, stuff I’m planning…

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commissioned short stories!

I have a burst of short story writing coming up, stuff I’ve owed people for some time, and along with it there’s a distinct possiblity I’m going to be offering up to five commissioned short stories for a fundraising campaign my sister will be running soon. These stories will be about 3000-5000 words and can, within reason, be anything the patron wants: I’ll write in any of my established universes (albeit nothing with Walker Papers spoilers), or I’ll write something new; retold fairy tales, a story about your cat’s super…

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Magic & Manners crowdfund

I mentioned this on various social media yesterday, but I’m still thinking about it now, so I’ll post here with more thought and detail. I’m enormously enjoying writing MAGIC & MANNERS, my Pride-and-Prejudice-with-magic pastiche, and I’ve been contemplating what to do with it. I’d like to keep going, but being a writer, I’d also like to get paid for my words (crazy, I know!). I’m also particularly enjoying the whole no-particular-deadline aspect, which means I don’t know that I want to sell it traditionally right now, or even do a…

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boom: it’s a draft

Ten days and 35K later, STONE’S THROE can be called a draft. It’s a god-awful mess and needs serious revision, but the draft is done and the rest can be fixed. By Wednesday. @.@ Actually, there are parts of the book I’m happy with, and it came in at the wordcount I was aiming for, so I’m okay with that. And, er, I actually find that having finished it, I’m kind of hoping for the chance to write The Further Adventures of Amelia Stone, so I guess we’ll just have…

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a quoteable morning

It’s been a pretty quoteable morning around here. First my son and I were playing superheroes and he said to me, “Who is in that Iron Man armor?” I said, “Tony Stark, and he, quite reasonably, wanted to know who Tony Stark was. I said, “A philanthropist playboy billionaire genius.” Young Indiana said, “Like me?” Just like you, honey. Just like you. <3 :) Then over on Twitter, Alastair Reynolds (‏@AquilaRift), whom I like a lot as both a writer and a person, said, for some reason, that he won…

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