For a minute, anyway. I have written a glorious 3K words over the past 2 days, largely thanks to Michelle (and today Mika!) showing up in the war room at god-awful hours for them (well, not so bad for Mika) so that I have real focus and incentive to get in there the moment Young Indiana goes to preschool and get myself writing. #swoons I’d have gotten more done, probably, except yesterday I started a new manuscript, put the file together, then had the vague sense that maybe I’d done…
Tag: writing
too late.
AC Crispin died today. Fuck.
A.C. Crispin
*sigh* Ann Crispin has publicly announced that she is (to borrow the words of another SF writer earlier this year) very poorly. Her battle with cancer has gone badly, and she’s dying. I’ve actually known this for weeks, having become close with her over the past months and having had the chance to talk to her on the phone a couple of times. I’ve been–this sounds awkward, but it’s true–I’ve been hoping she would decide to tell people before it was time for her husband to post and say she…
Guinness grant
I thought I’d said, but maybe I didn’t! I closed out the Arthur Guinness Projects popularity vote contest with 2976 votes. The leader had just under 4500, and I’m pretty clearly in the top 10%. I think I might have been #6 overall. So now we wait. :) The judges will be announcing their decisions sometime in September, but I don’t know when exactly. Someone hypothesized it would be the 26th, which is the Guinness-invented holiday Arthur’s Day, and having had that hypothesis suggested to me, it’s OBVIOUSLY what *I*…
five things make a post
I have finished the major revisions to SHAMAN RISES and sent that chunk of the book off to my editor for approval while I polish up the edges of what’s left. My brain is fried. I have, tragically, run out of chocolate chips and Kraft mac&cheese. It should be noted that this is not related to the previous paragraph. I got hit with several spam messages in a row from a fake listserv. Now all the idiots on the ‘list’ are doing a reply-all and demanding to be removed from…