Worldcon 77: The Thursday

After years of preparation, Worldcon was held in Dublin this week, for the first time ever. A month ago I was, I confess, pretty exhausted by the very idea of it, even knowing that I tend to dread, rather than anticipate, big events. By a couple of weeks ago, though, my friends feeds were starting to fill up with variations on “Ireland, I am in you!” and I was starting to get pretty excited about the whole shebang. I’d been claiming it was CatieCon, and while I *guess* there was…

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Take a Chance cover

Take A Chance thoughts / Patreon signal boost

I’ve been having a think, and here’s what I’ve been thinking. I’ve got an artist for the next TAKE A CHANCE story arc. I need to be able to pay him, tho. If I can get my Patreon up to 250 patrons, at the average of $5/m that people are paying, I could afford to pay him for 4 pages a month. 300 patrons? 8 pages a month. (I can’t afford to pay him very WELL, but I could at least pay him. :)) It’d be a sneak peek/early, probably…

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Very Exciting Developments!

One might imagine, from six weeks of radio silence, that I have been busy. One would be correct. But there have been some Very Exciting Developments in that time! First off, I’ve gotten a studio to work in! It’s part of an artist’s collective, extremely convenient to my son’s school, and, as my husband said, “Bohemian enough to suit your sensibilities.” (I pointed out that I’m really not very bohemian, and he said, “No, but you want to be,” which is perfectly true. :) The collective has a Studio Cat.…

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a reversion of rights

I got some of the best news of my writing career last week and I’m still OVER THE MOON about it. Lo These Many Years Ago, I wrote a trilogy for Harlequin’s quick-to-fail Bombshell line, which were meant to be action-adventure romances, James Bond type stories where the heroine was the Bond character. The line flopped badly for a lot of reasons, and the books I wrote never made any money, but I had a WONDERFUL time writing them and always wanted to do more. In fact, despite the books…

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two weeks of #100DaysOfWriting

Okay, okay, it was two weeks until yesterday, but it’s close enough. Today’s day 15 (assuming I can count, which I couldn’t last week when I gave us two Day Eights…), and I’ve managed to write every day, which is pretty unusual for me. I’ve done about…mmm. 7000 words, which isn’t really very many (particularly after last month’s, what, 65K+ and November’s …65K…?) but, you know, possibly the 120K in the past two months is taking its toll. Although really it’s more that I’ve… So my projects this month were…

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