Since, as my mother said, we couldn’t be in New Orleans last night, we had pancakes for dinner instead. Actually, Pancake Tuesday is a totally new-to-me concept since coming here. Or not *totally*, because when we lived in California with a British friend on hand, she would do pancakes on Fat Tuesday. But aside from that, totally new to me. Is it something people other places in America do or am I right in thinking of it is a European(British?) tradition? (I was making maple syrup for the pancakes, and…
Tag: writing
On da business
Novelist Kameron Hurley talks about some of the hurdles of the publishing industry. Tansy Ranyer Roberts responds thoughtfully to Kameron’s post. Sarah Rees Brennan & Holly Black talk about characters of color in their YA novels. You can check out my own post on the topic, too. Laura Anne Gilman L.A. Kornetsky announces two more books in her Gin & Tonic mystery series! Yay! :) I dropped by Chapters Bookstore yesterday to pick up the two Carol Berg books I didn’t own, and I don’t have, and said to yer…
pulling. teeth.
There are a variety of reasons why the opening chapters of SHAMAN RISES have been difficult to write. One is that I knew when I sent them off to my editor as part of the proposal that I hadn’t really gotten them right yet. I had to fix them (which was made more difficult by the 3rd reason cited below) Another is that due to Life, I have gotten almost no writing done at all in this calendar year, when in my dream world I wrote 50K in January and…
It is possible…
It is possible that tomorrow I will begin writing again. That would be good, because I basically have 2 weeks to finish the utter mess that is my nephew’s book, and to write a proposal for STONE’S THROE, the Spirit of the Century pulp fiction novel coming out from Evil Hat Productions sometime (handwave) after I get it done. Because I’m doing STONE’S THROE as my Nano novel, and so I have to get my shit *together* for that. I have been doing all sorts of Work That Isn’t Writing…
too many miles
I have, with no particular intent to do so, walked in the region of 65 miles since the beginning of the month. I am a little sore from all this walking, and would like a hot bath and a massage. *looks hopefully at the world* I’ve been idly searching for the blank book in which I wrote half a dozen children’s book manuscripts. It wasn’t anywhere I thought it should be, but fortunately, in rescuing toy train parts a couple of days ago, I glanced into a box and there…