
This week I have unintentionally but thoroughly proven that I will not get up at 5:30am to exercise. I will just barely get up at that time to write, but if my mental position is that I’m going to get up and exercise rather than that I’m going to get up and write…I stay in bed. The result is I haven’t exercised hardly at all *and* I’m behind on where I want to be with writing. Not massively behind, I still have a couple days to finish the next short…

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catching up

This is a post of things that are totally unrelated to each other. Just so you know. I haven’t been swimming. My shoulder’s doing better, by and large (though I think I spent too much time knitting last night, or possibly yesterday’s brief spate with free weights should have been done with the lighter weights, because it’s faintly achy today), and I’d been thinking that okay, I really should get back to the pool and that I could give it one more week’s rest and start after we got back…

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My husband has come up with yet another absolutely brilliant book/series idea. I will *never* catch up.

one last chance!

There’s one last chance to win an early copy of WALKING DEAD over at Book Love Affair! Go forth, participate! I have written the beginning and the end of “Hot Time in the Old Town Tonight” to my satisfaction. Unfortunately, that leaves some five or ten thousand words in the middle that haven’t been done… Argh. I keep thinking of things to post, but by the time I come sit down to write them up I’ve forgotten already. Or they’re things I want to talk about but can’t yet. Grr.…

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dribs & drabs

Or possibly dirbs and drabs, as I typed first… We had a nice day in to Dublin, though in the end we’re not sure either of us actually wanted WHO KILLED AMANDA PALMER (I thought Ted did, he thought I did), so I don’t know, maybe I’ll do a give-away of it or something at some point. Dropped by Sub City, where I picked up the last of the X-Men graphic novels that’ll get me more or less caught up to the current storyline. Read K.E. Mills‘ THE ACCIDENTAL SORCERER,…

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