wet. droopy. amused.

Ted and I went out for a walk in reasonably fine weather and in short order got pelted by ice-cold rain and a vicious wind. It was miserable enough to be funny. We spent the rest of the day in our jammies being nuggly and warm, because man, that was cold! Good writing day today. Thanks to a couple of short-ish chapters and the few hundred words I did last Friday to break 30K on the book, I actually reached my tipping-point chapter today: I’ve finished 3 chapters this week,…

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Milestone after milestone today. One: I hit the tipping point. Tomorrow’s chapter is 100% Bonus Chapterage. Two: I hit 25K on the book. In fact, I broke 26K, but it’s the 25K that’s statistically significant. Three: I hit 100K words for the year. Also, bizarrely, I wrote exactly the same number of words today as I did yesterday. I don’t remember ever doing that before. ytd wordcount: 100,300 miles to Minas Tirith: 170.5

I’ve had a very productive day, so long as you don’t count getting dressed in proper clothes an essential part of a productive day. I’m still in the sweatshirt and floppy pants I put on this morning, but I did write 3400 words, walk 3 miles and swim. And my shoulder, which ached this morning, seems to have settled down, which is good. I think there’s something distinctly good to be said for getting up and writing, then going to the gym mid-day and coming back again to write after…

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So tired this morning. So HUNGRY this morning. And my shoulder is pinchy, so I’m going to prop myself up on the couch and write instead of going to swim right away. Maybe it’ll relax after a couple hours. (I need to learn to sleep on my left side. That would help.) Notes from yesterday’s chat room: general agreement that the difficulty isn’t so much exercising as getting out the front door. It’s so much easier with a gym buddy, somebody who expects you to be there. This week’s challenge,…

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you know…

…I would open a daily word wars chat room if I wasn’t in a completely different time zone from so many of the writers I know. I mean, really, the Pacific coast writers won’t be up for hours yet, and most of the East Coasters aren’t really stirring yet either (except LAG, who seems to often be on early). Still, if the idea appeals, leave a comment and maybe I’ll start doing that. (Word wars: a scenario where you set the clock for 30 or 45 minutes and everybody writes…

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