tricksy mumsy

I didn’t really plan to write today, but Mom tricked me into it. Or something. I still don’t know how I’m going to approach writing this week. I guess I’ll see how it pans out. *snickers* There was just an ad on TV talking about “Ireland’s fabulously wealthy”. I said to Ted, “I’d like to be fabulously wealthy.” Then, of course, I had to admit I had a very low bar as to what I’d consider fabulously wealthy. ‘Out of debt’ would do it. :) ytd wordcount: 33,600 ytd km…

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pilates & p…writing…

I did my Pilates FOUR WHOLE TIMES this week. The beginner’s workout is definitely easier than it was, although it’s also still a good workout. Another week and I’ll nerve myself up to trying the intermediate one, which I haven’t even looked at. I also did 8 push-ups fairly easily today (though I didn’t do any upper body workout, which I’d done last week before trying my push-ups), and am considering incorporating them as a regular part of my workout in another week. But not before then. I can’t quite…

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Ok. I have gotten three chapters revised, one with only a couple hundred words changed (but one nearly entirely rewritten). The next chapter is going to probably be half rewritten; some of what it does is good, and some is less good. I would really *really* like to keep the chapter after that, but unless I can forcibly insert plot into it, it’ll have to go. Regardless, the three immediately after that will have to be rewritten entirely. Possibly more than that, I don’t know yet. But what’s in there…

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I have been having the nagging feeling that I don’t really have a *plot* in place here in this book. That’s not necessarily unusual for this stage: I’m about halfway through and I tend to lose confidence around here. So, in an attempt to shore up my confidence, I went and re-read the synopsis, which I’d been kind of deliberately ignoring because we’d changed a bunch of stuff around and the synopsis didn’t really reflect certainly the way the book ends anymore, at least. Unfortunately, what it does reflect is…

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nothin’ but numbers

miles to Dunharrow: 133.3 ytd wordcount: 14,900