if I were rich…

If I were rich, I would be buying plane tickets to Vancouver, BC right now for next weekend, where I would go watch Jim Byrnes play Friday and Saturday night at The Yale. If I know anybody there, have pity on a poor writer and go see Jim play for me. 9pm, but you’ll want to get there quite a bit earlier if you want to be able to sit. If you want to make an evening of it on my behalf, there’s a terrific little tapas place about a…

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so far today…

So far today I have walked a couple miles, done pilates, had breakfast, taken a shower, started laundry, cleaned the kitchen, emptied the garbages,, done story corrections on the proof pages for “From Russia, with Love”, and read 2 of the 3 stories in A FANTASY MEDLEY which are not mine. It’s possible I’ve now used up all my energies, but at least it was a very productive morning. :) Next I’m going to rotate laundry, re-print the PRETENDER’S CROWN manuscript and send the corrections I’ve made to the short…

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Supreme Court meme & other stuff

As ganked from /Nicholas, As evidenced by Katie Couric, Sarah Palin is unable to name any Supreme Court Case other than Roe v. Wade. The Rules: Post info about ONE Supreme Court decision, modern or historical your lj. (Any decision, as long as it’s not Roe v. Wade.) Loving v. Virginia, in which the Supreme Court ruled there could be no lawful impediment to interracial marriages. This is clearly the same ruling, or the precedent for the ruling, that will eventually be applied to gay marriage in the US, and…

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why, yes, I am procrastinating

A question from /comments which allows me to spend a little more time not working on the manuscript right now (I’ve done 100 pages so far today. I have to do at least 50 more. Another 100 would be good, because it would leave me with a bearable amount to do tomorrow, but either way I’ll finish the first revision pass tomorrow): Though, now I’m curious — is there an average number of times that a manuscript will pass between your agent, editor and self? I never really thought about…

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A good day. O.O

Okay. So there’s the Chance announcement. Then there’s news from my editor at Del Rey: THE QUEEN’S BASTARD has gone back to press for a fourth printing. And then to ice the cake, it is my utter delight to announce that Del Rey has bought two more books from me: TRUTHSEEKER, a paranormal romance, and an untitled sequel, for mass market paperback release (probably) in 2010. I believe this might just be a banner day.