I’ve gotten through all but the last 40 pages or so of the manuscript, and I have realized that the problem is not with the book. It’s with the ending as I have it synopsized. It’s *all wrong*. And now I know what’s right, and it will be *awesome*. It’s the ending the book deserves. It will make it feel like a proper story. And it’s not any longer than my wrong ending would’ve been (it’s not any shorter, either) and it’s much much better. I am *so pleased*. It’s…
Tag: writing
snowballed, but not
I was exceedingly chipper yesterday, which isn’t in and of itself especially surprising. But it was an ebullience of surprising fortitude, and I finally figured out that it probably wasn’t just due to having THE QUEEN’S BASTARD hit the shelves. I suspect it also has a great deal to do with having told my editor last week that the fourth Walker Papers would be turned in sometime in early-to-mid July rather on June 1, as it’s supposed to be, and having her say, “Okay!” I think my good humour is…
I am utterly, but pleasantly, knackered. The weekend, during which I didn’t post at *all*, which is very strange indeed, was very nice. Saturday we watched Doctor Who (Donna is fast becoming my favorite companion, even though I really did love Rose), caught up on Smallville (which, man. I know there’s a lot of popular opinion that it’s jumped the shark, but because I love the Lex storyline so much I’m willing to give them an awful lot of rope to hang themselves with. And the Lex story has, really,…
random bits
I decided last night that I was going to the gym this morning, but this morning I couldn’t find my gym pass, so I went for a walk instead. On the way back, I saw a little black kitten, maybe 4 months old or so, in one of the parks. Ted and I had seen him on Monday, and were concerned about him, but weren’t sure if *maybe* he belonged to somebody, although he certainly didn’t look like he did. But we had no way of capturing him at the…
the wall
I took my notebook out of the house to do my writing today, because I wasn’t feelin’ the luuuuv at my keyboard, and I wrote about, mmm, 8 pages, which is somewhere around 2500 words. And then I bashed into a wall. No, I didn’t even bash. I just sort of sauntered up to it and there it was, saying, “Look, you’re not going any farther until there’s some kind of structural support for what’s supposed to happen, because right now you’re so far off base there is literally no…