I am ALMOST DONE with revisions on BEWITCHING BENEDICT, my little Regency that’s the first of the Lovelorn Lads romance series. It’s a charming, funny little comedy of manners that I genuinely believe anybody who likes my stuff will really enjoy, even though it (*looks furitive, whispers*) hasn’t got any fantasy aspects to it. The Lovelorn Lads are something of a cross between Seven Brides for Seven Brothers and PG Wodehouse conceptually, in that there are seven Lads who are close friends, and the central character amongst them has a…
Tag: writing
Recent Reads: HEART OF STONE
I’m re-reading the Negotiator Trilogy, which I haven’t done since (before) they were published. I’m doing this so I can write KISS OF ANGELS, which is set (at least partially) after the trilogy, and in some ways I have only a vague idea of what the books are about. I mean, obviously I know what they’re about, but… Some of you may know that the reason I haven’t written more book-length Old Races stories is that writing the Negotiator Trilogy was…awful. Just awful. Like, I had a small nervous breakdown,…
Launch Day: Roses In Amber
I’ll start out with the links, in case that’s all you’re here for. :) ROSES IN AMBER, available now at: iTunes || Kindle || Kobo || Nook || Amazon (paperback) || & at bookstores near you! Order with title or ISBN (978-1613171363) Beauty and the Beast is my favourite fairy tale. Always has been, perhaps since I read “The Wounded Lion” in the gorgeously illustrated ENCHANTED TALES (Rand McNally, 1978) as a small child. I read Robin McKinley’s Beauty until the cover fell off, and Rose Daughter years later. Between…
Roses in Amber is ALMOST HERE!!!
guys GUYS GUYS!!!!! LOOK WHAT ARRIVED I STARTED WRITING THIS BOOK ON JANUARY 1, GUYS LOOK AT IT LOOK AT IT EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tomorrow is Official Launch Day. I don’t know if print editions will automagically show up on B&N/Amazon IMMEDIATELY or not or it’ll take some time to work through the system, but e-book editions for Kindle, iTunes, Kobo and Nook either are or will be available as of Valentine’s Day, 6 weeks after I started writing it! I have to say this is one *seriously* cool aspect of the…
Cover Reveal: ROSES IN AMBER
AAAAAH *FLAILS* Tara O’Shea, my wonderful cover artist, got me the final draft of the ROSES IN AMBER cover last night! It’s SO GORGEOUS! And SO PERFECT! And EEEEEEE *FLAILS*!!!! There is a story of a beast, and a merchant’s daughter, and a curse that must be broken. This is not—quite—that story. Amber Gryce believes in magic the way anyone does: as a thing of the past, marked now only by the long reign of an ancient queen sworn to live until her stolen son is returned to her. Such…