*laughs a lot*

Wolverine took in $87 million this weekend, partly in thanks to “an unexpectedly large female audience — nearly 50 percent of the total”. All I can say is: Dude. Hugh Jackman. Liev Schreiber. Taylor Kitsch. Ryan Reynolds. If you build it, we will, ah, come. o.o

in more detail :)

Not spoilery, I don’t think, but with commentary:

unpackity packity pack

Today was a day of a lot of unpacking and not nearly enough Aberdeen. Next year, by God, we are not going to be moving house and I’m not going to be under a deadline from hell when she comes to this side of the world. But having her company did make unpacking less of a drag, and after she left it occurred to me that we’d found the stereo, so I plugged it in and had music to work to. Got a lot of the books unpacked, which *hugely*…

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