*laughs a lot*

Wolverine took in $87 million this weekend, partly in thanks to “an unexpectedly large female audience — nearly 50 percent of the total”.

All I can say is: Dude. Hugh Jackman. Liev Schreiber. Taylor Kitsch. Ryan Reynolds. If you build it, we will, ah, come. o.o

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2 thoughts on “*laughs a lot*

  1. “Hugh Jackman” is my response to anybody peddling the lie that women aren’t visual. *GRIN* I’ve more than one female friend who has to wipe drool from her chin when she talks about him.
    OK, maybe women are not quite as visual as men, but there are some exceptions that seem to travel like lightning through the female nervous system… ;)

    It took a History of Women and Gender class to make me admit I was a Feminist, but that is another topic entirely!

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