2800 words. I stopped in the middle of a fight scene, so getting started again tomorrow should be easy. :) I’m past 200 pages now, so everything should be bang-bang-bang pretty much all the way up to the end from here on out. I hope. :)
Didn’t get much done on CD last night. A bit of the synopsis, but not really very much. Need to think up an opening scene, I do I do. Soon, since the proposal’s due at the end of the month. I’ll probably work on it some tonight.
And now I must bend my mind to the important thought of whether I’m going to go biking or walking this afternoon… :)
miles to Rauros Falls: 194
ytd wordcount: 107,500
Open with a hangover! A day can only go downhill for a book heroine who wakes up with a hangover! :)
Unless she wakes up dead! :)
But I already did that! :)