
thinks to do:

write 1000 words
print & send contracts
email script to ardian
check page #’s to do thumbnail sketches for
» Issue 2, p 5, 10; Issue 3, p18; Issue 4, p7…gosh, he doesn’t make many mistakes…
– do thumbnail sketches
try to find out about arts grants
answer jason’s email
answer matt’s email
finish. the damned. pretender’s crown. proposal. newsletter
– other things I’m no doubt forgetting, sigh

I have written out a high-level schedule for the next six months. It has something due every 2 weeks. That’s what my schedule looked like in 2006 when I wrote 400K. Augh.

I went to a writer’s group meeting yesterday. Must remember to go back again next week.

Waiting Patiently

2 thoughts on “thinks

  1. Cute picture! Actually all of your pictures are astounding. Did you ever randomly choose someone who commented on your new site 12/31 to receive a copy of Take A Chance? Like me, perhaps?

  2. No, I’m waiting til tomorrow because…I can’t count. *headdesk* I thought I’d give it a week and I was thinking I’d posted on the 1st, not the 31st. Sigh.

    Anyway, will choose somebody tomorrow and post to let everyone know who it is. :)

    I gotta make threaded comments work on this side of the site…

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