thinks to do today:
1. swim
2. do the thing that i did that i won’t mention
3. bake bread
4. laundry
5. walk dog
6. finish reading CHANGER OF DAYS
7. BC AAs
8. sand cabinets, if there’s time left
Swimming was good for me. I was very tired before going, and now I’m more pleasant sort of tired, so that’s good.
Last night I took Chanti for a 3 mile walk, because I wanted to see if the new lift for my shoe made any difference in longer walks. Mile and two mile walks aren’t long enough to really tell, and so although we’d gone for a mile walk earlier, I decided a longer one would be good. Besides, despite the smoke, it was beautiful out.
And it made a *significant* difference to the good. Usually if I walk 4 miles, somewhere around 2.5 miles I start feeling it in my … well. 5th lumbar on the right side, technically. I more think of it as like “upper right hip near the spine” or something, if I put words to it. Anyway, I didn’t have that jolting feeling in there, which was quite astounding and magnificent. I’m going to have to get a couple more of the little lifty things so I can just put them in all my shoes and not have to switch the one I’ve got around.
Ok. Bread-baking, lunch-making, laundry and reading. :)
ytd yards swum: 24,400
miles to Rauros Falls: 358
Are you a writer who likes or who dislikes reading reviews? Just got my Locus today and there’s a short pretty good one for US, and I didn’t know if you have seen / would want to see it.
I don’t generally read them (I have someone scan them for good bits and forward the good bits to me), but when somebody told me I had a good review in Locus I had to go get a copy to see. :) I was weak!
Can’t blame you at all! :)