tiny bubbles

Dad sent a link of the American Film Institute’s 25 top-rated musicals. We all agreed that “Singin’ in the Rain” unquestionably belonged in the #1 spot, but promptly fell to disagreeing about, oh, everything else. Mom and I both think “Silk Stockings” belongs in at least the top 10, if not the top 5, and it’s not even *on* the list. And while “Guys & Dolls” is the best musical ever (*even* outranking “Singin'”), the movie is no good at all. (Oh, *God* how I wish they’d make a new “Guys & Dolls”, with Hugh Jackman as Sky!)

I’m making a batch of graham crackers that I suspect will be tasty but not very graham-cracker-like, mostly due to the very coarse wheat flour I’ve got. I also followed the directions where it said ‘add a 1/4 cup of cold water’ and only just now as I type this do I realize the reason it got Very Wet was because I’d halved the recipe, except that part. Oop. So I put the dough in the fridge before trying to bake it. :) (In my defense, the water was not actually part of the recipe, but was added in the instructions, so I wasn’t thinking in terms of halves by that point.)

Also baking a batch of snack bars, which *will* turn out. :)

Walked to the store. On the way, four horses, one of them blue-eyed, permitted me to sritch them. Actually, one of them permitted me to scritch it, and did the “ooooogh, hands *goooood*” half-lidded eye thing while the rest of them snuffled me suspiciously. The blue-eyed one’s eyes were remarkable.

Saw where they’re clearing to build a new housing estate. Maybe the influx of all those new houses will make someplace affordable enough to buy!

I accidentally read the two books I’d been planning to read today (POISON STUDY, by Maria V. Snyder, and PRINCESS AT SEA, by Dawn Cook) yesterday instead. Fortunately, I’ve still got several lying around to read, so I think I may give one a go tonight, and then read THE QUEEN’S BASTARD. Or maybe I’ll just read TQB and watch some tv/movies with my Ted. :)

(Hm. Graham ‘crackers’ are very, very tasty. Possibly more cookie-like than cracker-like, but very tasty. Texture is wrong, due at least in part to the flour, but overall very nice. Further experimentation is required!)

(Hm, twice. Trying graham crackers has notified me that I am Hungry. I think I shall Do Something About That.)

I want this book.

miles to Isengard: 260.5

19 thoughts on “tiny bubbles

  1. Sounds like you achieved more with your day than I did with mine. A Tesco run and a four hour nap and the day is all but over. Sigh!

    Not sure I agree about Silk Stockings. For me that is a bit of a Wagnerian musical (sublime five minuteses with interminable half hours – yes, I know I am exaggerating horribly). Although the Siberia song (cannot remember the precise title) is one that I really love and find very good for singing to myself on long walks home on wet days. I do agree about the movie of Guys and Dolls though – and Jackman would be BRILLIANT!

    http://nielsenhayden.com/makinglight/ have some interesting comments on and a review of 1491.

  2. Hey now, I like the movie version of Guys & Dolls! Then again, I’ve never seen it on stage.

    I guess I should be glad Moulin Rouge is on there at all, rather than complain that it’s as low as it is.

  3. You’re probably right. Except any movie musical with Cyd Charisse and Fred Astaire in it can’t be all bad. I tend to watch musicals with a stern eye toward the choreography and the people performing it. “Satin and Silk” and “The Red Blues” put it in the top ten for me.

  4. I don’t remember where it rates on the all-time list. I like “Camelot” as a show. But from a musical comedy point of view…well, it lacks dance. And one of the critical points for me is the triple-threat aspect of the actors. One of the things I admire about the movie musical “Chicago” is people like Gere doing what the old-time stars did – if they lacked a particular “threat”, they by-god went out and learned it.
    Having said that, Cyd Charisse didn’t sing her part in “Silk Stockings”. And Natalie Wood didn’t sing her part in “West Side Story”. So there you go.

  5. If ever you have the chance to see “Guys & Dolls” on stage, grab it. It’s so far superior to the movie that it’ll knock your socks off.

  6. I haven’t seen Silk Stockings since I was a kid, so you might be right. I’ll have to watch it again sometime!

    In fact, it was Making Light that I saw the stuff about that book. :)

  7. I can’t abide Camelot, really. It might be just bearable if it weren’t for that interminable final scene and the god-awful ‘Guinevere’ song that goes with it.

  8. Judging on a strictly triple threat sort of viewpoint, Moulin Rouge doesn’t, I suppose, belong in the top ten. But I love it so much I’m glad it’s on the list at all. :)

    There is *no comparison* to the stage show of Guys & Dolls. If you ever get the chance, see it. :)

  9. There was a rumour a while back that Vin Diesel (!) was in talks with Nicole Kidman about producing and starring in a remake of “Guys and Dolls”. Never heard anything more of it, but Hugh is a friend of Nicole’s, and has just signed on for a remake of “Carousel” – so factor in six-degrees-of-separation, and maybe Hugh in “Guys and Dolls” is a possibility…

  10. Cyd and Fred’s first dance together when she is still in her Russian get up is one of my all time favourite musical dance routines. I like “the Red Blues” too, though not as much.

  11. Miserably, Vin wants to play Sky. I would *love* to see Vin play a non-musical Sky Masterson in a non-musical version of Guys & Dolls, but I just cannot imagine that gravely voice can sing. And a huge part of the problem with the Guys & Dolls movie is that Marlon Brando couldn’t sing, either. It would be *criminal* to make *another* G&D with a Sky who couldn’t sing. Wah!

  12. *gasp* Hugh Jackman as Sky! That’s brilliant.

    But unfortunately, Hollywood being what it is they’d probably cast people who are totally unworthy in the rest of the parts. Mandy Moore did Adelaide in HS and she sang it on some show or another and that was quite good, but she’s much too young. Gah. Great. Now I see what I’ll be doing today. *mutter* ;)

  13. Are you crazy? :D I love Guys and Dolls. It was recently released on DVD and I had to buy it. I could watch it over and over again.

    I would like to see a remake of it, though. That would be a lot of fun.

  14. No *pouts*. I would love to, but even if I ever get the chance, I’ll have to go by myself. My family cringes at the mention of Guys and Dolls (I think I watch it too much).

  15. I believe if you ever see the stage show you will understand my unmitigated horror of the film. :)

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