tiny bubbles

Ted and I made bbq pulled pork sandwiches for dinner last night (which is to say, he did everything else and I made the bbq sauce, which is how it works in our house. He keeps asking me for the bbq sauce recipe, but given that I just fling it together (ie: you put in enough ketchup, then add honey until it looks like the right amount. Then you pour in some worstershire and add salt, pepper, and garlic until it all seems right, and then you eat it), I can’t really give it to him. Besides, I’m afraid if he learns the secret he’ll run off with a much younger blonde and I’ll be left to fend for myself!), and OMG TEH YUMMY. I’m having leftovers for lunch, and man, this is just *swoonably* good. *staggers around happily*

Also, a quote for the day:

My problem of course is that I hold myself to a really unattainable level of productivity, and because I actually manage to achieve it occasionally, I beat myself up like crazy when I don’t.

If you know me at all, you’d probably think that quote was me speaking. It was, in fact, , and caused me to say to her that I was beginning to suspect we’d been separated at birth (woe betide our poor mother, because while she was born on May 28 and I was born on June 1 (which would be bad enough), the *years* in which we were born are four years apart), but my goodness, she nailed it. That’s exactly why I get cranky when I don’t write 5000 words every time I sit down to write, and it’s ridiculous. :)

Further update on the neighbor auctionlet: has now got the auction items which didn’t make it into the ebay auction for various reasons listed and linked here for bids.

I have nearly all the rough pages for issue 3 of Chance now. One’s this huge double page spread with like seventeen frames, and I thought, man, the writer, she asks too much, but no, the rough on it is *already* amazing, and it’s going to be just incredible when it’s done. Another page I said, “Okay, so on the first page of the first issue you drew her getting dressed and it’s really sexy. On this page, can you draw her getting dressed *angry*?” And he *did*. He totally, totally *did*. It’s just *so cool*.

For some reason, Image has not yet contacted me to say YES YES YES WE WANT TO PUBLISH YOUR COMIC BOOK! I can’t imagine why. :)

11 thoughts on “tiny bubbles


    (Oh, so you need us to say that to Image?)

  2. It’s probably quite difficult.

    One can say to a publisher who’s not renewed a series “Oi, where’s such and such?”, but I guess it’s harder when a writer hasn’t previously been published by them.

    (I’m assuming this is the case? If not, then “YES, YES, YES, GIVE US MORE CATIE!” would be the order of the day. (With or without Herbal Essences™ sound effects.)

  3. I’m assuming as much, too. It’s like letter-writing campaigns to keep a character played by a favored actor, when the character hasn’t actually appeared on the show yet. Apparently it just annoys the network. :)

    Really, if I knew how to get mileage out of positive buzz, I’d be all over it, but I think that’ll probably be more useful if/when they pick it up. In the meantime, I’ve kinda done what I can in the Image Comics board community, just making friends and talking to people and stuff, so I’m not a total stranger. And my colorist works with Image already, so we’ll see. :)

  4. That sounds a lot like my barbecue sauce recipe (except I usually manage to get soy sauce in there somewhere). What is ‘pulled’ about the pig exactly? That is a term that puzzles me – although not enough for me to actually do anything like look it up you see.

    Fingers still crossed for you with Image!

  5. Pulled pork is just putting a roast into the oven for a loooong time on a loooooow heat and then shredding it to bits when it’s done, so it can be well mixed with the bbq sauce. :)

  6. oh … wow! God i’m hungry. Salad for dinner is not going to cut it i can tell. Must go find me a pig!

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