two weeks worth of mail

I’ve just gone through two weeks worth of mail. In it, I have an envelope from the DMLA, which to my disappointment didn’t contain money, but does contain an agreement saying, “Yes, you can use an excerpt of my novel on Amazon”, so I gotta get that signed and back out right away, and a very large envelope which I thought must contain a copy-edited manuscript but proved to contain MORE copies of the URBAN SHAMAN cover (but this is the Official Cover, with my picture inside instead of information about the book inside), and a very big pile of WINTER MOON covers. It’s even more awesome in person than online, because in person you can see that there’s a cityscape reflected in the water. I’ll scan one in. :)

A *smaller* envelope contained a manuscript for me to copy edit. BANSHEE CRIES, which has to be back in NY by the 1st. I can do that, she said, looking a wee bit wild-eyed. (It’s short. It’ll be fine.)

I love my job. :)

miles to Rauros Falls: 233

7 thoughts on “two weeks worth of mail

  1. I would like some Winter Moon covers, if you can spare them.

    Also, I’d like to go back to reading stuff, if you can spare it. ;)

  2. I have ’em to spare, so I’ll find an envelope and send ’em your way. And you know the password, so read away. :)

  3. I will once again mention how honored I feel to know you, however vicariously, and to watch you go through the process of becoming a real, growed-up author. :)

  4. *beams and hugs Alix* It’s pretty great having friends who’re along for the ride and all enthusiastic and supportive and stuff, too. Thanks. *beam* *hugs*

  5. Um.

    I actually forgot the password. *sheepish look*

    An email with it would not go amiss, ma’am.

  6. It’s Super Kit! Able to leap deadlines in a single bound! :)

    You do most excellently rock!

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