
Kitsnaps: Dublinia Footbridge

Once in a while we go out and do a night shoot. This is the Dublinia footbridge, a medieval bridge that connects Christchurch (directly to the right of this photo) to, er, whatever the Dublinia building used to be. Well. I mean, it still connects it, but probably in Days Of Yore, the building across […]


Kitsnaps: Dandelion

To make up for yesterday’s snapshot, today we have Art. :) I took this for a photography class. The actual purpose of the assignment was working on depth of field, and the original of the photo turned out splendidly. But I was screwing around with it in Photoshop and accidentally (effortlessly) blacked out the background. […]

Zoo Primates

Snapshots: Zoo Primates

I particularly like this picture of the cousins together at the zoo a few weeks ago. Not so much because it’s Art as because what a bunch of cuties. :)

Christchurch in Cobh

Kitsnaps: Christchurch, Cobh

This is another one of my absolute favorite photographs. This was taken in Cobh (pronounced Cove), which is one of the prettiest places I’ve lived, on a morning after it had rained. The air was consequently clear and washed away of mist, which is as pervasive in Ireland as legend has it. One ceases to […]

Bumble Butt

Kitsnaps: Bumble Butt

This photo is so captioned because I knew it would make my nephews laugh. And it did. Therefore, this picture is a total success. :) Except eventually it did occur to me that being in Ireland and all now, I really should have called it Bumble Bum. Oh well. :)