Kitsnaps: Dandelion


To make up for yesterday’s snapshot, today we have Art. :)

I took this for a photography class. The actual purpose of the assignment was working on depth of field, and the original of the photo turned out splendidly. But I was screwing around with it in Photoshop and accidentally (effortlessly) blacked out the background. I thought. “Woo! Art!” and kept a copy like that. It gets more awesome the larger it’s displayed at, because the detail is very sharp and clean. But I shall refrain from posting a giant-sized version. 800px is probably enough. :)

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2 thoughts on “Kitsnaps: Dandelion

  1. You know, you are SCAREY talented!! Now I have to look at all your photos on top of reading everything you write! Dang! And I’m 80% through Mountain Echoes and almost afraid to finish it because things have gone so well so far and I don’t WANT to cry. But I won’t resist for long, and having read the brief on Mage Rises I can probably face the worst. But, but . . . Thanks for everything.

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