
This cold is kicking my ass. I am not motivated today, and require encouragement.

I need to get the 3 chapters I have written revised so they work with the new chapter today. I essentially know how to do it. I just am very damned flat and am having a hell of a time pulling my focus together in order *to* do it. It’d be good if I actually wrote another new chapter, but the critical bit is revising these three. So if anybody out there feels like being a cheering section today, I could really use it…

Also, happy birthday to Angie. :)

9 thoughts on “uninspired

  1. GOOOOOOOO CATIE!!!! hip-hip, HOORAY!!!
    drink some peppermint tea! do 10 jumping jacks! drink some more tea! splash cold water on your face! drink some more tea! stretch your shoulders otu and swing your arms around! hip-hip, HOORAY!!!! :D

    p.s. you only have to do sips of the tea at a time :)

  2. I think if I did all that I’d be so exhausted I wouldn’t be ABLE to write afterwards!

    If I had any peppermint tea, I might drink some, though. :)

  3. Go, Catie, go! Don’t let any creepy little virus get the best of you! You’re bigger than it! Stronger! Better! So what if it can sneak into your cells and try to over-write your RNA with its own to nefarious purpose? You’re a better writer than it is (largely because you have more than 4 letters to work with) and shouldn’t let ITS writing stop YOUR writing. Stop it in its tracks! Kick its butt! Write!

  4. I’m cheery today, so here’s some cheering! Kick the cold right back, and have some more of that soup (I had split-pea-and-fake-bacon yesterday and thought of you) and the writing will come. The writing always comes, with you, it can’t be helped. ^_^

    And thank you!

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