*helpless giggles* Good, I got permission to post this. It’s pure silliness brought on by a typo on a mailing list — someone wrote URBAN SHAMAN as URBANE SHAMAN, which I said would be a *very* different book! People took off with the idea, ranging from an urbane shaman being “Some leathery faced, wise native elder wearing a top hat and monocle,” to “a hunky Native metrosexual with long black hair with one feather in it leaning against a wine-bar,” which promted, “Sort of Queer Eye for the Rez Guy.” By the time all of these came through the mailing list, I was just about in tears from laughing so hard, and thinking that I really needed to write a short story to go with the Luna website OtherWorlds area when URBAN SHAMAN comes out — OtherWorlds is a place where authors have been adding in extras about their world in the month their book is published.
But then the next email completely broke me, and made it clear that what I *really* needed to do was get Mercedes Lackey to write this short story:
The Urbane Shaman enters Cirque. Adjusts his tie, and sets his fingertips
on the edge of the table. “There’s trouble coming.”“How do you know?”
“The salad fork is misaligned, and is in opposition to the steak knife. The steak knife points towards the circle of the Great Bird.”
“You mean the turkey platter–”
*helpless laughter* Evidently Larry Dixon is actually responsible for this idea. The circle of the Great Bird. *LAUGH*
When is URBAN SHAMAN coming out, anyway?
June 2005, according to all pointers thus far!