Ok, I’ve set up a flickr photostream for my Project365. Doing this might even get me posting at kitsnaps (
Got most of my things to do done. I need to pack, but a reality check says I’m not going to do that until tomorrow. Which means I need to get up early, because it’s a 7 hour trip to Longford by train (which is *ridiculous*. It takes that long to *drive* from Anchorage to Fairbanks and it’s 2x as far), and if I’m not on the half ten train out of Cork I won’t get to Longford until like the middle of the NIGHT. Rilly. O.O
Ooh, Joshua Palmatier is running a really fun/good contest over here. I got about 11 of them, and when I say “I” I mean “me and three other people”, and we all recognize four or five others (not necessarily the same four or five) but can’t place them. Now I want to do the same contest just ’cause it’s a good one. :)
Arright. I’ll be online in the evenings my time, ’cause I’ll have a laptop and access to my parents’ wireless, but as of now (or possibly tomorrow morning) I’m going more or less radio silent for the next few weeks while we get moved and while I write a hundred thousand words real quick-like. Wish me luck!
miles to Minas Tirith: 493.8