walky walky

It’s almost midnight. I didn’t mean to stay up until almost midnight. I stayed up til like 12:30 last night. This is not a good trend. *sleepy eyes*

OTOH, it’s been a pretty cool day. I got a few hundred words written, then went out to the airport to meet The Best Agent Ever, who’s come to visit me for a day and a half. As the only picture I’d ever seen of her is the 100×100 pixel icon on her livejournal, there was pretty much no chance of me recognizing her. I knew she had dark hair and good cheekbones. I thought she was shorter than I was, then I thought, no, I only think that because almost everyone is shorter than I am, I’m making that up. So that left me with the dark hair and cheekbones, and I spent quite a lot of time watching all the women coming off the plane, trying to decide if that might be Jenn:

Too old, too young, too glittery, too old, too short (hair), too long (hair), too With Somebody, too shy, too this, too that, too many things. There was one woman I thought looked like a distinct possibility. She came out with a real spring in her step and made eye contact with people and pulled her luggage along industriously, a red coat hanging over the top of the suitcase, and I thought, “Huh, the hair’s not right, but the attitude is,” and she strode past me it was revealed that the red coat covered two thirds of a little boy who was lying on his face on the angled suitcase, with his little feet dragging along the floor.

Too en-childed. :) It made me laugh out loud, though. :)

We did in time meet up, Jenn having fortunately read the email which said I’d be wearing turquoise pants and a black leather jacket, and it turned out I was right: she was shorter than me, after all. :) We got ourselves onto the bus and to her hotel and went to lunch, or whatever you call a full meal at 3pm, and didn’t leave until after 5 ’cause we were just hanging out and talking and talking and talking. Lots of fun. :) Then we did LOTS of walking around trying to find some music stores that might carry some Irish music she was looking for for a friend, and *totally* failed, but that was okay; we figure it’s his fault for asking for hard-to-find CDs. :)

To bed, so tomorrow we can go off and do some touristy things. :)

miles to mount doom: 415
ytd wordcount: 77,300

5 thoughts on “walky walky

  1. >we figure it’s his fault for asking for hard-to-find CDs. :)

    She told me to ask for them, so I refuse to accept responsibility. ;)

  2. *laughs out loud at Michael* Well! Guess you told me! *laugh*! Gosh, hi, I didn’t know you read this thing. :)

  3. Hi to you too. Since all the kewl kids read this blog, I didn’t want to be left out.

    And thanks for taking such good care of Jenn while she’s in Dublin!

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