we have NET

(feb 3, 8:32am): I said, on my way to bed last night, “I have to go to bed now, so I can get up and write 4500 words before the internet comes.”

Apparently I sounded much more pathetic than I’d intended to, because Ted and Shaun both *roared* with laughter. *laugh* We are going to be a very sad household (*vewy* disappointed, as Breic said when *they* didn’t get the internet) if our DSL connection doesn’t get turned on today. We did get the wireless modem they promised to send out, so we have hope.

The squacking in the chimney reminds me that yes, the birds which are too large to be crows and too small to be ravens are without question rooks, which we determined from “Neverwhere”, in which there is a fine headshot of a rook and you can clearly see the odd grey speckled pattern at the base of its beak, which is the thing (along with the size) that was making us uncertain of whether those were ravens or not.

I was an utter sloth yesterday. Aside from writing, I did nothing at all of any worth. I watched “Phantom of the Opera”, because I was in the mood for pagentry, and you don’t get much more pagentry-y than Phantom. It’s a much better movie if you can fast-forward through the far, far too-long “Masquerade”, “Primadonna”, and “Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again” scenes. Shame they didn’t cast somebody who could actually sing the role of the Phantom, but once more I was struck with how this was the first performance of the show I’d seen where I had any sympathy for Raoul at all, and in which I really believed Christine was under the Phantom’s spell. I’d like to see it on stage from good seats sometime, though, ’cause I’ve only seen it from the nosebleeds and that might be why I’ve never believed in those two roles. Mmm, but Raoul in “The Point of No Return”, and the lovely devastation as he realizes how completely he’s lost Christine to the music and the Phantom, and that he never stood a chance. Mmm. Lovely, lovely, lovely.

If there is no net today, and I am still in the mood for pagentry, I’ll watch Moulin Rouge. And go to the gym, not for the pagentry, but because I should. :)

(*Man* I hope we get net.)

ytd wordcount: 35,150

5 thoughts on “we have NET

  1. I hope you get internet… internet is a necessity of life. I have a hard enough time when it goes out for a day…

  2. What a coincidence…I am getting the internet at home today as well! (But your Friday and mine are a little skewed.)Or I am supposed to…the light was still blinking this morning and that is a bad thing…must call. Sound like ya’ll are having fun!

  3. What a coincidence…I am getting the internet at home today as well! (But your Friday and mine are a little skewed.)Or I am supposed to…the light was still blinking this morning and that is a bad thing…must call. Sound like ya’ll are having fun!

  4. What a coincidence…I am getting the internet at home today as well! (But your Friday and mine are a little skewed.)Or I am supposed to…the light was still blinking this morning and that is a bad thing…must call. Sound like ya’ll are having fun!

  5. Sorry about the double posting…server kept timing out when trying to post comments. Bad me for not checking first.

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