Well, despite the puppy (who seems to be feeling MUCH better now, thank you), I did get up and go to the gym this morning, and had a pretty darned good workout. Then we went shopping and came home and made a magnificent brunch of bacon, eggs and pancakes. It was *really* good.
Now I’m at work for a few hours and digesting the *really* good brunch, and then I’m going to *shudder* go try this running thing. And it’s a nice day out, so I’m feeling like maybe I oughta go biking, too. I tell you, there’s not enough hours in the day! Well, ok, it helps if you get out of bed before a quarter to ten, but I’d INTENDED to. It’s just that there was the Truly Vile Stench….
Eww.. Poor puppy! And more specifically, poor Kit! Vile Stenches aren’t meant to exist in this world, I’m sure of it! Bleh. :) I hope that the rest of your day has gone better than it started! Good luck with the running thing, if you haven’t already done it. *grin*