well, that rocked

I did a ‘word war’ with some of the chatters over at fmwriters.com, which I discovered recently, and got another 1361 words written this afternoon. Rah rah me! I’m not sure I really need the scene I just wrote (the one following it might be more important/relevant/useful) but hey, words are good! Yay!

Done writing for the day now. Almost 2600 words for the day, that’s good. That’s enough. :)

ytd wordcount: 88,350

3 thoughts on “well, that rocked

  1. I only just joined! I got there via Irysangel’s LJ this weekend and checked it out and joined up. :)

  2. Wow, here I am spreading the wealth and stuff!

    FM is very cool. I like it better than OWW (gasp) who I used to participate in way back when for a short period of time.

    And I LOVE word wars. I am in chat most nights myself (check out the Writing Only room, where most of the Wars seem to go down).

    Hope to see you there sometime! Everyone there will tell you I cheat, but they lie. ;)

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