Well, that was interesting. Dad and I just went to a local Democracy For America meeting. There were 21 people there, which is quite astonishing, and it was very clear early on that, as Will Rogers famously said, “I don’t belong to an organized political party; I’m a Democrat.” A lot of enthusiasm, a lot of passion, and 21 separate ideas on what should be done. At least one person who was clearly uncomfortable with the idea that we were discussing ways to be effective as a small group and yet be able to confer, consult and coordinate with the larger Democratic party.
Someone else said the very vital and important thing which is the thing Democrats and left-wing political groups don’t seem to grasp: whether you call yourself a Libertarian or a Green or a Democrat, the bottom line is that you, the Green Libertarian, have more in common with me, the Democrat, than you have in common with the right wing. We do not have to agree on everything. We have to agree on *enough*, or we’re going to continue to play in the minors while the Republican party, whose constituents play ball because they understand they’ve got more in common than not, runs rampant over the major leagues.
Whether or not that attitude can prevail amongst these people remains to be seen. It’ll be interesting. I was glad I went.
Oh yeah, and before that, I went over to Mom and Dad’s for some of Mom’s SOOOOO YUMMY baked beans and corn bread. MmmMMMMmmmm!
It would appear to be .com, not .org, for the record.
And I lean more every day towards Christian anarchism, so I’m not sure I have much in common with anyone you mentioned. :)
Oop. URL fixed, thanks.
My problem with anarchy is the same as with communism, basically: I think it’s not an inherently bad idea (in fact, I can see an argument for it being a pretty good one), but I believe it not only doesn’t, but can’t, work on anything more than an individual basis. I’m sympathetic to the impulse to subscribe to it (or communism), but I tend to feel that in America, at least, siding with one of the two major parties is simply the more realistic behavior.