I went around this morning giving out OYL business cards (because they were the only kind I had that had our home number on them) to everybody in the neighborhood who was home, and just a little while ago someone called and said they thought they’d found my cat hiding under their tree. And I went over and crawled under the tree and indeed there was my cat, who was very scared and wouldn’t come to me, so I went to get some tuna, and Zilli apparently ran after me (as Silkie said: No, I’m not coming to you, nope, I’m staying here…wait! Where are you going? Don’t leave me!) and so when I came back with the tuna I had to find him again. He’d run into somebody else’s back yard, and then he ran under their RV, so I had to kind of climb under it but after a couple of minutes he came close enough to lick my fingers and then I scooped him up and he’s OKAY and he’s SAFE and I’m so relieved I could cry. I didn’t want to lose Zilli. His little kitty feets are all dirty and he’s scared but he’s okay. I’m so *awfully* glad I handed out those cards. WAH.

5 thoughts on “WHEW.

  1. I’m glad you got him back, safe and sound.

    Does your area do chipped pets? In case he gets lost again?

  2. Poor Zilli! Poor Catie! But everyone’s safe now….It’s okay to cry a bit in relief… :)

  3. Aii! Zilli ran off? Many hugs, I know how you felt from the time Minna ran out on me just after I got over here. I’m glad you found the poor silly boy.

  4. I am SOOO glad you found Zilli! Being that we have 8 cats, I can truly understand and appreciate it all.

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