woot :)

Got the BC edits done. Need to type in the few paragraphs that needed enough work to, er, be typed in, and then fax it all off to NYC and that’s taken care of. Sent more stuff out today (sent the cover flats, Sarah!) and ordered some extra copies of US from the publisher so I’ll have give-away copies.

Went to B&N and discovered they were sold out of my book but have more on order. :)

Went to see “Be Cool”, which was badly paced, too long, boring as hell in spots, and yet somehow came together to be entirely satisfying at the end. And apparently I also ate too much dinner, because my tummy actually hurts.

miles to Rauros Falls: 244

3 thoughts on “woot :)

  1. Catie,
    I’m going to Chapters to get Urban Shaman tomorrow. Most of the branches don’t have it yet but this one got them today :)

  2. I went to b&n yesterday to get it, and the man behind the counter said it wasn’t out until mid-June. Grrrr. Apparently asked the wrong guy….

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