Yesterday my agent called.


You have no idea how fun it is to say that. One of my family’s catch-phrases when I was growing up was someone would come home and say, “Did my agent call?” We would always say, “No, not today,” in response, and we all thought it was funny. So actually having an agent and being able to say, “My agent called,” makes my whole family laugh.

Of course, it makes it a bit complicated to come home and say, “Did my agent call?” because having one means there’s a chance she might have, and then rather than the joke being on, instead it’s all, “Were you expecting her to? Why? What’s up?” So it’s different. :)

Anyway. :) Yesterday my agent called and said, “Harlequin would like to know if you’d be interested in writing a 10,000 word paranormal story for their Online Reads program.”

Not being a great fool, I said yes.

It’s a paying market, so it’s the first short story I’ve ever sold. Hee hee. :) Work for hire, so I won’t own it, so it’s going to be stand-alone and not in the Walker Papers universe. 10K words, 8 chapters, paranormal but not necessarily romantic (a very short Luna, in other words) to be posted over an 8 week period. They’d like it to tie in with the WINTER MOON idea a little, because they’ll be using it to promote the anthology, and because it’ll be posted over Halloween, something kind of seasonal would be cool.

I wrote up a 600 word synopsis for an idea last night and shipped it off to the content manager at Harlequin, and will see if I get any feedback on it. I think I have a pretty fun little idea that I’ll enjoy writing, so that’s very cool.

And, er, did I mention it’s due August 15th? So are the TBF edits. I know .exactly. what I’ll be doing the next three weeks. :)

We also went and got out taxes done yesterday. That was a lot of fun, as we’re friends with our tax person, so we spent about two hours there chatting and getting the taxes done and generally enjoying ourselves. And we’re getting money back, which we didn’t expect, so that’s *extra* cool! Yay!

While we were out I got another pair of size 8 jeans, which I genuinely thought wouldn’t fit me, but I figured they’d fit in another five pounds or so. I tried them on this morning. They fit beautifully. *boggle*

Yesterday was another very good day. :)

miles to Rauros Falls: 369

2 thoughts on “WOOT!

  1. Hurray for size 8!

    And may you have many more reasons in the next few years to enjoy saying your agent called. :)

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