*yawns my little brain out* I feel much better for having sat and read Michelle Sagara’s CAST IN SHADOW, which was very enjoyable. I will read another book tomorrow. Maybe I’ll even read another one today. But I need to go for a walk first, or all I’ll be doing is sleeping. *yawns*
It’s very blustery out. Ted just called to say the power was out at the Heritage Center. Maybe he’ll get to go home early. That’d be nice. *yawns more* Jeez. No oxygen in this house, or something. *bleary eyes*
The LJ feed is doing a piss-poor job of picking up posts. Sorry for the sudden influx, when they show up.
Also, I just got email from somebody who ran into a wall while reading Urban Shaman because she was paying too much attention to the book to look where she was going. *laugh* She promises there were no injuries, though. :)
water. walk. laundry. *staggers off*
I like this design very much, except for the fact that I have to click in to the actual blog box to scroll down instead of just loading the page and clicking the page down key. The drawing on the left is very nice.
Not that she’s posted much lately, but Michelle’s LJ is http://www.livejournal.com/users/msagara/.
Small world point: she sold me my copy of Urban Shaman :)
MAW: yah, it’s been that way a while. It’s not my favorite feature, either, but I can’t make this layout work any other way, and I generally like the layout pretty well. Thanks, about the drawing!
Harald: I’ve had Michelle friended on LJ for a while, but *totally* cool that she sold you your copy of URBAN SHAMAN! Hee! Awesome! :)