Ye gods. I have just put together a 785 page package to send to Jennifer. For those of you who ever might need to know: the 8 5/8thx11.25×4 inch mailing boxes that you can buy at Office Depot will hold 800 pages of manuscript. Well, they’ll hold 785; I’m taking the other 15 pages on faith.
This thing weighs a *ton*. And it’s only two books! I need to do some rewrites on the third one before I send it! Ye gods! Ye gods and little *fishes*.
If I ever write a single book that’s too big to fit into one of these boxes, shoot me.
Always remember the rule of thumb when writing a novel. When you’re done, tear out the middle third of the book.
Then, you have two-thirds of a novel. YAY YOU!
It somehow seems appropriate to note at this time that Robert Jordan has started writing Wheel of Time prequels.
And why in the world is anybody still using snailmailed manuscripts? To save the recipients printer the wear and tear?
Erm, forgot name. Silly mt.