–you’ll escape in the final reel
I cannot remember the last time I saw a movie I enjoyed as much as Troy. I have gone completely fanboy on this. I will see it again in the theatres at least twice. Possibly more. Very likely this weekend. It was, as I just told Sarah, wonderful, delicious, bronze buff TRAGEDY. Oh. My. God. And then some. My *God*. It was of the we’ll sell you the whole seat, but you’ll ONLY NEED THE EDGE! ilk. It was AUGH and it was *AUGH* and it was *wonderful* and I would have literally turned around and gone to watch it again immediately after leaving the first showing.
There was no one who wasn’t wonderful. Eric Bana as Hector was heartbreaking. Peter O’Toole as Priam was heartbreaking in a different way, and my god, the emotion the man can convey without even changing expression. Orlando Bloom as Paris was nicely craven and went through a believable and necessary character development arc. Brad Pitt was a fantastic, golden, beautiful, arrogant Achilles, and Rose Byrne, whom I’ve never heard of before, was a truly lovely Briseis and Achilles’ … well. Heel. :)
Every single fight scene had me half hiding my eyes and clapping my hands over my mouth and wailing with dismay. It didn’t matter who was fighting and it didn’t matter that I knew who was going to die: I *desperately* wanted them to all come out alive, and WAAAUGH! *WAUGH*!
There was more naked Brad Pitt and Dangerously Low Camera Angles than I expected. Like, you kept kind of thinking that if you just sat up a little straighter you’d be able to see further down the screen and ooh la la. There was beefcake all *over* the place. Beautiful, beautiful people in not that many clothes, or in wonderful flowy drapey clothes on men, very different from what we’re used to, *very* sexy, and this movie had I think the hands-down most erotic seduction scene I’ve ever seen. My God. There were all these nervous high-pitched titters from the women in the audience. My *God*. O.O
I really, *really* liked this movie. o.o It would be too icky for my mommy and daddy to go see, because there’s a lot of quite horrible war scenes, but the *story*, my God, the story. *swoon*!
Well I’d *hope* the story would be good since it was based on the Illiad which is, after all, one of the big guns in classical literature. :) I’ve been going back and forth on seeing it because I remember a LOT of the Illiad and was afraid they’d mangle it. Ben doesn’t want to see it because they got the armor wrong. ;) Sounds like it might be fun to go by myself though.
must see! Want to go Friday night? my mom should be here!
I want to see it again. I could have happily sat through it again if my body could do six hours in a movie theater at a stretch (which it can’t).
Much, much sexy beefcake mrow. I /love/ the skirts. If all men looked like Bana and Pitt and Bloom, I’d say ‘bring back the skirt boys!’.
Did you know that Brad Pitt injured his Achilles’ Heel during the filming and they had to put off filming the confrontation between Hector and Achilles by 6+ months? They are literally a year older in that scene than in most of the other scenes in the movie. :)
Did you notice that Andromache had freckles? She was not Hollywood Flawless! It was amazing!
I think I cried through the last forty minutes of the movie. I arghed every time Priam did not do what one of his sons suggested. I marveled and crowed at the hubris dripping off the screen. It made me want to see the Odyssey. :) Mmmmm. I’ll tell ya, Sean Bean can breach my walls any day.
This is one of those movies like Titanic, I think. Is it really a spoiler to say that the ship sinks at the end? :)
I thought the armor was incredibly good. What’s Ben’s beef? o.O
Friday the 21st, Jai? Maybe!
Breach my walls, hell yah. o.o