I need a secretary. @.@

Or more hours in a day that are not already spoken for. Or a to-do list so exhaustive I cannot fail to do each tiny step on it (yes, yes, Carl: I’ve read GETTING THINGS DONE :)), except I need either the time or the secretary to create the exhaustive to-do list, so…a secretary would be nice. This has been an extremely busy month: I’ve written 42K, which has involved finishing STONE’S THROE, copy edits on SHAMAN RISES, and writing more on MAGIC & MANNERS. There have been 3 birthday…

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2014 Thinks To Do

Okay, so big plans for 2014 include: – rewatching the Ron Perlman/Linda Hamilton Beauty and the Beast as part of a year-long thing with Stephen Aryan and Liz de Jager. We might even have a weekly Discussion Blog about that week’s show. Anybody who wants to can join in! – (re)reading all the Guy Gavriel Kay novels, of which there are now 12, one a month in publication order, again with weekly discussion. We’ll be starting with THE SUMMER TREE in January, with a goal of reading 4 chapters a…

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Aer Lingus: Fail

My parents had Adventures in Airlines flying to America in October, and have been trying to resolve it since returning home. This is a repost of my Mom’s latest update on the situation: I’ve been trying for a couple months to get a response from Aer Lingus regarding our trip to America in mid-October. Today I received a “donotreply” from them in which they cheerfully acknowledged that their agent screwed up, but essentially said, “Too bad.” My reaction is to write to the only source available to me, which is…

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a TBRS year

I think I’m declaring 2014 as a To-Be-Read-Shelf year. I can read or re-read anything I own, but no buying new books until I’ve cleared out most of what I’ve collected. (EasterCon and World Fantasy added an awful lot to the TBR shelf.) Possibly I’ll go so far as to go around and make a list of what’s *on* the shelf, to keep a sort of focused order to things. Or not. I’m still going to do the GGK re-read, starting in January with the Fionavar Tapestry, and think it…

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the most popular thing i’ve ever said on twitter

“Dear all news sites ever: just shut up the fricking videos and give me words. I read a fuckload faster than you talk.” Seriously, it’s been directly retweeted hundreds of times and tweeted-with-commentary hundreds more (I dunno how to do the cool things that tell you exactly how many RTs something has had). How utterly bizarre.