thinks to do

make bread fill out paperwork do something at the big computer what was that desc the Regency crap what else FOLD LAUNDRY ANSWER @loncon3 EMAIL! find contract debate contract terms perhaps sign contract wut else write ch 10 of magic & manners gosh that should take me through tomorrow

BatB & thinks to do

Oh hey, we’re starting our BatB re-watch on Wednesday! Since it’s being arranged by people on Greenwich time, I expect we’ll be watching at about 8 or 9pm around here, which is bloody inconvenient for Americans, but we’ll open a discussion post on one of our blogs and we can all have a little geekfest if anybody else wants to join in. :) Seriously, guys, that’s all I’ve got for content this morning. I spent the entire weekend writing. I know nothing of any interest. I haven’t even watched the…

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administrative day

– call Old Vic to transfer tickets to Dad’s name – email hotel in Brighton – get plane tickets for Brighton – make a legitimate stab at tickets to America – stare in horror at tickets to America – call travel agent to deal with tickets to America – stare in even worse horror at travel agent’s deal – call dentist – print tax form for [redacted] contract – go to bank – email amazon

so many thinks

I have so many thinks to do I can’t even manage to remember to order groceries. – order groceries :p – never-ending laundry – put laundry away – plane tickets – email matrice – sign contract – find epub of easy pickings – find epub/mobi of YoM, aftermath, origins – email tony – move bookcase – find impala mix – revise ever-loving shit out of shaman rises, to the tune of ‘wayward son’

weekend & thinks

We had a family barbeque on Saturday, which was lovely. (BBQ for, not of, the family, for the pedantic among you.) Ted even made baked beans, which om nom nom. :) I failed a third time to make decent ice cream, which is really pissing me off. I pride myself on my ability to make dessert, but custards are apparently not my strong suit. I have been given a non-custard recipe that Fred and Bryant swear by, so I guess I’ll have to try that. *sigh* Yesterday I went to…

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