Kitsnaps: Botanic Gardens Hailstorm

Glasnevin Tower

Last Friday Young Indiana and I went out to the Botanic Gardens and got caught in a rain-and-hailstorm. It was great fun, actually, and involved a lot of running from one hiding place to another, playing keep-safe games and dancing.

I had my camera, having intended to pursue my self-directed photography ‘classes’ some more, although I haven’t advanced much beyond practicing shallow-depth photography. On one hand that’s fine, because as it happens I Really Love shallow depth photography and I’m chuffed I’ve re-learned how to do it reliably. On the other hand, I should move on because I took some pictures facing directly into the sun and then had to apply quite a lot of post-production to get them to be, y’know, vaguely see-able. The Ladies & Palm House ended up with me futzing with it the most, because the whole image even when I took the picture had this somewhat surreal quality to it, and the actual photo…fell short. :)

I’m especially pleased with the robin, as it’s apparently an Unspoken Life Goal (or perhaps not so unspoken) of mine to take a really good picture of a robin, but I think the picture of Young Indiana is just wonderful. :)

Glasnevin Tower
Glasnevin Tower
Robin Red Breast
Robin Red Breast
Ladies & Palm House
Ladies & Palm House
Botanic Gardens in the rain
Botanic Gardens in the rain
Dancing in the Rain
Dancing in the Rain
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