not a productive day

I’m feeling better, but today’s productivity was limited to re-reading the last 75 or 100 pages I’ve written, as apparently three days off with a head cold threw me further out of the story than I might’ve hoped. On the positive side, either the book hangs together so far or I’m too close to it to see what an utter and miserable failure it is, so I’ll take what I get. I’m not really quite well yet, and I think it’s still affecting my brain. :p

Email from my edit…damn. I just remembered, as I’ve remembered several times today, that I told my other editor I’d get copy edit questions answered by this afternoon her time. Which means I’ve still got like five hours in which to do stuff, but see above note about brain affectations…

Anyway. Email from my editor at Del Rey indicates I ought to be getting copies of THE QUEEN’S BASTARD pretty soon here. TQB is my tenth (including the novella, which I do) published novel. I feel like I should do something celebratory! But I don’t know what. I’d like to run a good contest, and…I donno! Ideas?

miles to Minas Tirith: 252.9

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2 thoughts on “not a productive day

  1. How about a fan fiction contest? 10 novels deserves some flattery in the form of imitation, maybe with the Strongbox Chronicles!

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