
Shwoop! A Compendium of Kitlings is off to the editor! We shall see what happens now!

8 thoughts on “shwoop!

  1. two things…not necessarily related…

    1. November is, apparently, National Novel Writing month.

    2. Ulnar nerve damage bad……The split keyboard helps mine some. What helps more is wearing an elbow brace at night when I sleep. With its help, I may be getting to avoid surgery for my ulnar nerve damage, which is primarily in my elbow. If you can narrow down where the damage is, if you can brace it at night, it may help hugely!!!!! The neurologist and my doc located the damage for me, and it’s in the elbow.

    Good luck with it!!

  2. yeeeeees, November *is* National Novel Writing Month… that’s what the NaNoWriMo thing I’ve been talking about for weeks is. :)

    Actually, I don’t think I do myself any damage while I’m sleeping, because I’m almost always fully recovered in the mornings. But thanks!

  3. A friend of mine was having serious trouble with ulnar nerve entrapment, pinky and ring fingers going numb and all that. She wore a brace and adjusted how she used the computer and such, but she also took B-complex vitamins. It took several months but she’s pretty much back to normal now, and is staying careful of how she uses her laptop. I understand you have to be careful not to overdose on the B vitamins, though, because too much of them can cause their own problems.

  4. Did she go to a doctor about it, Patch? And what sort of doctor? Heck, what sort of doctor did you go to, Mary Anne?

  5. Vitamin B1 is harmless.

    Vitamin B2 is riboflavin and can be toxic in larger doses. AND it turns your pee orange. So there.

    Vitamin B3 is niacin and should not be taken in larger doses than the RDA due to increased risk of nastiness.

    Vitamin B6 is harmless.

    Vitamin B12 is cobalamin and should not be taken in larger doses than the RDA due to increased risk of nastiness.

    Take all of the water soluble ones you want: you’ll just make some really expensive urine and pee the excess out.

  6. She saw a general practioner who wanted to do surgery, but she didn’t have any insurance, so she looked up everything she could find online. She says it took a week of /perfect/ care to notice any difference at all, and then a couple months after that to heal. Hers hadn’t been going on for very long before she saw someone about it so it may have been more easily correctable than some cases- the doctor told her that it can become a permanent problem if left too long, but he seemed a really knife-happy sort, so… who knows. :P

  7. Here’s some specifics: “basically held the arm completely straight for 7 days straight, took lots of ibuprofen, 50 mg of B6 every day and iced it every hour I was awake for 10 minutes.”

  8. I saw a neurologist and an orthopod, and an orthopod who specializes in arms/wrists/hands/shoulders…..

    The neurologist just did tests, lots of electrical stimulation things…I felt like I was in the scene at the end of Star Wars where the android is testing Luke’s new fake hand….

    The first ortho was knife happy. The second ortho is v. good, and much more conservative.

    Try also sitting further back than you think is quite normal while you type….that’s a big one for me. You should be far enough away that your arms are almost straight when you type.

    It’s hard to do, and I”m always forgetting….

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