star trekkin’ across the universe!

I will be in London at the Forbidden Planet on 18 September, 2008, from 6-7pm, to sign copies of HANDS OF FLAME (and any others of my books people would like me to sign!). (Oh! I should be able to get Kris’s books there! Awesome!) I’m really looking forward to this signing, and hope a few England-based readers might show up and say hello. :)

A few months ago, The Falcata Times interviewed me, and that interview is now up in the Falcata Times #7. My interview starts on page 34, but there are a *ton* of other cool authors in there as well, so go read and enjoy!

Also, I’ll be writing a short story for a Morrigan Books anthology this fall, for publication sometime (I believe) in 2009. Looking forward to that, too–writing shorts is fun, and I only do it when people ask me to. :)

Hm. I’ve got other things to talk about, too, but none of them are quite to fruition yet, so this will do for now!

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1 thought on “star trekkin’ across the universe!

  1. Now if we can just get you to Kansas City… Surely, you and Jim Butcher can do a joint signing or something, just for a good excuse to be here. ;)

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