a live blog of the solstice

9am: #ThinksToDo: wrap gifts put tree together hold my head still so snot doesn’t swirl around & make me dizzy work on leah’s comic 10am: so far i’ve: emptied dishwasher cleared wrapping table gotten laundry going fetched wrapping paper located indy’s gifts 11am: have now: wrapped, if not ribboned, indy’s gifts must now: store them find ted’s gifts wrap them shower eat something besides sugar cookies 12pm: have now: found ted’s gifts disovered i hadn’t [redacted] proceeded to [ redacted ] wrapped MOST of his gifts despite delay did not…

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Octocon 2016

So Octocon was great fun. I went into it tired (because i was an IDIOT and i got a new phone on THURSDAY and i couldn’t get it to update properly and i stayed up until TWO IN THE MORNING getting it working right, the day before a weekend-long convention started!) and had a panel Friday night so I had to be vaguely functional through that, and more or less was. It was a weekend of selfies because I didn’t have the camera with me a lot because I couldn’t…

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I work a lot.

This morning as I was doing revisions on the 4th project I’ve worked on this month I had the shocking revelation that I work a lot. I can hear people rolling their eyes at me from all over the world right now, but it actually was a shock. I think it was because it was the fourth project (REDEEMER synopsis, MAGIC & MANNERS revisions, short story revisions, now SKYMASTER revisions) that I’ve worked on in the past 3 weeks that it really hit me. And if I get this done…

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madly busy day and yet so far i have done none, count ’em, none, of the home-based things i need to do. like: – laundry – attempt naan – clean a bathroom – vacuum – clean the kitchen i did this once why does it need doing again dammit and all of that aside is the fact that young indiana woke up ridiculously early and had a very vigorous morning, so now that he’s gone to bed i expect him to take a really good nap, which makes me want…

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sha boom sha boom

So far today I have walked, swum, made bread, made applesauce*, cleaned the kitchen, emptied the compost, made lunch, read part of a book, and made a grocery list. I would go shopping if we had any money, but we don’t, so now I’ll just wait for word wars. Oh, and upload pictures to see if any of them are any good. The wars, incidentally, seem to be running well into the afternoon Eastern time–as late as 4pm now, and it appears that there’ll be wars running fairly regularly in…

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