the essential kit


Author Kait Nolan wrote a blog about Kickstarters and platforms (featuring me!), which caused me to go have a look at the most successful fiction Kickstarters. NO DOMINION’s still in the top 15, which surprised and delighted me. DINOPOCALYPSE NOW, which I’ll be writing a book for next month, is still in the top 5. (And Tim Pratt’s latest Marla Mason novel is also in the top 20! Yay!) The whole thing made me kinda want to run another Kickstarter. Kinda. :) I’m not going to (despite somebody asking for…

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Crowdfunding: What’s Up Next

I’ve ended up with some FAQs about what I’ll be doing next for crowdfunding/Kickstarter, so I thought to close this series out with a poll, which I’ll post shortly (ETA: I have posted it! It is here! You should be able to vote by logging in with FB, G+ or OpenID, I think, so if you don’t have an LJ account, fret not!), and a tackling of the FAQs. Surprisingly (or, y’know, not), the most common question is: So will you be doing this again? Um, yes. Yes I will.…

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I have had a stupendously productive day. I finished the second ElectriCity chapter. I got the cover for BABA YAGA’S DAUGHTER and posted it. I delivered via email the stories I was supposed to and delivered two packages to the post office to be sent far far away. I finished the laundry. I got “Easy Pickings” ready to go up on Amazon and B& I walked 3 miles. I did some video game dancing with my adorable dancing toddler. I fixed the cross-posting problem from to LJ. I ordered…

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