ow, my tummy

I started doing Pilates in November. I think I did the beginning set 3 times before I gave up. I started doing Pilates again Monday. I’ve done the beginning set twice now. Now I just have to do it again on Friday and then not give up. This workout I’m doing is a very beginners one, with only 8 exercise, but damn, it works. My tummy is all like WHAT. THE. HELL!?! Oogh. o.o I think Chance #2 is out today. miles to Dunharrow: 125.5 ytd wordcount: 9600

Chance promotion!

Temple Library Reviews (aka LJ’s own ) has done a lovely writeup on theupcoming “Take A Chance” premiere, and Morrigan Books owner (owner?) Mark Deniz/ also mentions it on his blog. Yay! Ted and I actually got up and went to the gym today. We’re quite proud of ourselves. :) And for much of the rest of the day I’m going to make candy and prepare to send it out into the world. :) Oh, and I’ve got kitsnaps up and running again with a new, hopefully spam-freeish template which…

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I don’t know how it got to be October already. However, in celebration, or something, of it being the final quarter of the year, I decided to start doing Pilates this morning. The goal is to do exercises every other day, so 3-4 times a week. My core muscles are pretty mushy and have been for a very long time, so yeah. Trying to do something about that. oh my GOD i’m going to be a whimpering pathetic blob tomorrow. o.o *ded* Stay tuned later for groaning about sore muscles…

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starting with chapter 3

The astute amongst you have noticed that I’ve got quite a number of work-related thinks to do for somebody who’s nominally on vacation. Foremost is writing the proposal (generally a synopsis (done now!) and 3 chapters) for the fifth Walker Papers novel. About a month ago while I was still working on book 4, I had an epiphany about the opening scene of the fifth book, so wrote it down. Today, trying to write chapter two and finding myself doing a lot of ungainly telling-not-showing, I realized that in fact…

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solar-powered people

I have been observing with interest the “solar-powered people” phenomenon as it’s gotten lighter out earlier. Three months ago I was happy to sleep until 9am, because that was when the light arrived through the bedroom window. Now it’s arriving by 6, and I’m waking up around then with a fair degree of regularity. I would no doubt be able to man through it and continue to sleep if my bladder didn’t usually really require me to get up then. I would be more pleased about this whole scenario if…

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