it means nothing.

The fact that I have created a Scrivener file for the PADYA (Post Apocalyptic Dystopian Young Adult) novel means nothing. The fact that I spent an hour and a half pounding out a gibberish-filled rough draft synopsis last night also means nothing. The fact that I’m looking with some interest at time-tracking software does mean something, but that’s something I wanted to do anyway, because I do want to see if I can quantify the success ratio of the exhaustive synopsis. I don’t know how many hours I spent on…

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We’ve just had smashed chicken and boxed mac&cheese for dinner. It was incredibly, incredibly good. *loves on Lisa* I’m considering having pop tarts for dessert. Or making cookies with REAL chocolate chips. *loves on Lisa more* miles to Dunharrow: 111.8 ytd wordcount: 4400

mostly metrics

Mom harangued me into actually getting to the needed quota today, so wordcount for January 2008 is officially 41,200. Not quite in Cherie Priest’s extremely excellent 53K for the month, but well ahead of the 1K a day minimum I set myself. (In fact, for those of you keeping track at home, I’m slightly ahead of the average 1300 words a day I’d need to make the two million mark by the end of the year…a goal which I have no intention of setting.) At some point here I’m going…

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