new! shiny! website!

Thanks to the efforts of the magnificent Thirzah Brown, I have a beautiful new website! Equally excitingly, I have, through the good graces of a reader, acquired a comments moderator, which means the comments have been turned back on for the site! COME ONE! COME ALL! SPEAK TO ME! :) This has all been in the works for quite a long time now, and I’m really delighted to see it go live. My needs for a website have changed over the years, with me gradually wanting a greater focus on…

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the essential kit

step by step

I am slowly getting there, in terms of amalgamating and In fact, tonight I’ll be redirecting to in preparation for MOUNTAIN ECHOES’s release this week. Nothing is nearly as organized as I’d like, but the basics are in place, which is to say the links should all work with the redirect. I need to go through and fix images, and in the slightly longer run I have hopes of making the CEMurphy.Net pages look different from the mizkit pages (because my delightful web designer lady has…

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the essential kit

online monikers

My friend asks, “How did you come up with your LJ name?” which seemed like a good question/meme thing to participate in, so I thought I’d answer! Kit was a character I played on an X-Men MUSH about twenty years ago. She was a comic-book me, though I always imagined her physically a bit more like Linda Hamilton. She was a photographer with a kid, and I’ve always sort of regarded her as having a life of her own: she’s one of the other paths I could have taken. (Curiously,…

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shame, shame :)

After all the helpful answers yesterday about Kitsnaps photos, I forgot to set one to post this morning. You’re all certainly good for my ego, so shame on me. :) But it’s okay, because my AWESOME WEB DESIGNER is telling me all kinds of nifty things that WordPress can do that I didn’t know about, and we are going to make Kitsnaps BIGGER! STRONGER! FASTER! Or something like that. This will be AWESOME. With AWESOMENESS on the side! (Actually, now that you mention it, I may have been watching Kung…

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Misty Wolf at Dublin Zoo

Mizkit & Kitsnaps

This is a bit of a test to see how well this WordPress gallery works. I’ve long since concluded I’m never going to manage Project 365 (at least not for some years yet), but I’d like to try /posting/ a picture a day, anyway, even if I don’t take one daily. I’m sure I can auto-set it to post, which would help, but even if not, I can give it a stab. And that might help me make an effort to get out and take more pictures, which would be…

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