Supreme Court meme & other stuff

As ganked from /Nicholas, As evidenced by Katie Couric, Sarah Palin is unable to name any Supreme Court Case other than Roe v. Wade. The Rules: Post info about ONE Supreme Court decision, modern or historical your lj. (Any decision, as long as it’s not Roe v. Wade.) Loving v. Virginia, in which the Supreme Court ruled there could be no lawful impediment to interracial marriages. This is clearly the same ruling, or the precedent for the ruling, that will eventually be applied to gay marriage in the US, and…

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I don’t know how it got to be October already. However, in celebration, or something, of it being the final quarter of the year, I decided to start doing Pilates this morning. The goal is to do exercises every other day, so 3-4 times a week. My core muscles are pretty mushy and have been for a very long time, so yeah. Trying to do something about that. oh my GOD i’m going to be a whimpering pathetic blob tomorrow. o.o *ded* Stay tuned later for groaning about sore muscles…

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