2016 Round-Up

2016 in review is a work related round-up, because it’s been an absolutely awful year personally. The other day somebody sent around a “some good things must have happened at least on a personal level in 2016, please post them!” and I honestly couldn’t think of anything actively good enough to stand out. So, this year in publication review: startingly good, actually. I had 5 books come out, including the graphic novel of TAKE A CHANCE, which we’ve all been waiting for forever. :) To wit: MAGIC & MANNERS An…

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The Magic & Manners Project: Publication Process

Part two of my series on all-out self publishing, a project I’ve taken on with MAGIC & MANNERS, a Jane Austen pastiche in which I wondered what would happen if the Bennet sisters had too much magic rather than too little cash. Part One, which focuses on finding and working with a production team as well as developing a work flow (including a Helpful Check List) is here. This week I’m going to look at the actual publication process. I’ve been working through Amazon and Ingram, who are both doing…

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The Hachette Job

For those of you who have not been following along–and frankly, I have no expectation that the larger percentage of my readers will be, because it’s a topic that at best affects them from a distance–Amazon is trying to force publishing house Hachette to agree to more-favorable-to-Amazon contract clauses. They’re doing this by: – not listing Hachette titles – setting Hatchette title prices at (sometimes extraordinarily) high price points to discourage readers from buying them – setting shipping dates for already-available Hachette books at 3-5 weeks out, instead of making…

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the essential kit

Escaping Stockholm

By reader request, I’m posting Judith’s entire Escaping Stockholm essay as one post, too, for ease of linking and perhaps ease of discussion. I shall, however, put it all behind a cut tag straight off, in order to not re-flood the friends’ list. :) If you wish to break it out and read each section individually, here you go: Part One | Part Two | Part Three Otherwise, onward!

the essential kit

Escaping Stockholm: Part 3

Introducing the third and final part of author Judith Tarr’s inspired rant on the changes in the publishing industry, and the expectations we writers have come to live with and accept. Escape from Stockholm: An Epic Publishing SagaFind Judith Tarr on LiveJournal | on Twitter | & at Book View Cafe Part One | Part Two This is no longer the only game in town. Oh, she’s acknowledging it when she says she can’t deal with it, but she’s not thinking about what it really means. Or how she can…

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