live-editing, part 4

Aaaah, jeez. I am not off to a great start this morningtoday. It’s a quarter after one and I’ve only just sat down to work. The morning consisted of getting up to go for a walk, drowsing on the couch for 20 minutes, finally going for a slooooow walk, coming home for breakfast and to check email, and then for an hour-long nap and lunch. Which brings me up to now, pretty much. I’m exactly halfway through the manuscript. If I want to have the slightest chance of getting it…

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more editing

Muaha. I am encouraged by commenters to continue this play by play editing process. I don’t even know *what* today’s goal is. Reaching page 500 seems like an extremely lofty one, given that 2 days of this has gotten me to page 275original/250new. On the other hand, I’ve passed the “I can really take big chunks out” stage, so this might go faster. Or it might go more slowly, because to cut I’m going to have to be very persnikity. I guess I’ll see.

editing stats

I am doing something New & Strange with this revision. Typically when I’m working, I have Word’s display set to 85% of full size, and I have the style set to normal, so there are no particularly noticeable page breaks. I really loathe the print view, where each page is wholly separate. It throws off my mojo. But for this revision, that’s how I’m looking at the manuscript: one page at a time, and at 100% magnification. I actually think it’s making a significant difference. It means I’m looking at…

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chaw chaw chaw

I had one of those rare moments this morning where I realized how much I love my job. Actually, that’s not so rare. It’s just that it doesn’t often hit when I’m sitting down to do revisions. I’d cleared off my desk of the last set of manuscript papers so I could spread the new ones around. For about two seconds everything was tidy, and then I put a 717 page manuscript on the left side of the keyboard tray, fifty pages of editorial cuts on the right side, and…

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“I do not want to work today,”

…said little Peggy Ann McKay. I have 200 pages to go on this manuscript. I’m about 7 pages from the most aughful moment in it, a scene which I quite love. Once I’m done, I can go forth into what is looking like it’ll turn out to be a beautiful day, and spend the afternoon listening to trad, bluegrass and banjo music, because there’s a festival here this weekend. I’m going to take my camera. I haven’t done any photography in ages, and it sounds great. All I have to…

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