family, food, funny

Nephew: Excuse me? I have an important question. How powerful is Captain Britain? Could he beat Superman? Me, having already described the “the one who serves the story best” aspect of this kind of question and delighted to be asked: I *believe* CB’s power is drawn from the spirit of the British people, so potentially yes but probably only under certain circumstances. Nephew: Right, great, okay. How about Captain Britain against Juggernaut? Me: They’d go toe to toe. Nephew departs, totally happy ♥ :) I made Blackberry Pi on Monday,…

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ethical oversight

For some reason I was reminded, this morning, of a discussion a few years ago post-Snowden, where an acquaintance of mine who had worked in the intelligence field spoke at great length, and passionately, about why Snowden had been wrong to leak the surveillance information that he did. His reasons were (roughly) matters of trust inside intelligence agencies, safety of intelligence officers, necessity of some secrets being kept, and possibly a couple other things I’m now forgetting. It was well reasoned and well written and I fundamentally understood and agreed…

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Yesterday I went out in an (ultimately futile) attempt to find an e-book that didn’t make me angry. I failed*, but I found something much better: Batman patrolling the streetes of GothamDublin! She was very clear on being Batman, not Batwoman or Batgirl (my friend Spidey says “Always be Batman,” which I gotta agree with), and she also did a quite credible Christian Bale Batman impression. She was saying, “My family is DEAD!” in this photo. :) I’d caught a glimpse of her, and had thought her splendid, but I…

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Picoreview: “Haywire”

Picoreview: “Haywire”: First off, although I remembered the commentary about the filming when it happened, until I saw the scenes in “Haywire”, I forgot some of it had been set in Dublin. If anybody would like a walking tour of the Haywire movie when they come to visit, I can provide one. :) Second, according to an article I read a while ago, “Haywire” director Steven Soderbergh apparently said, when he got the script, that he would love to do the film, but only if it had a female lead.…

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toxic avenger

I was reading an article about cupping (where they put a heated glass bubble on your back & create a vacuum to draw out toxins) which claimed that you only bruise if you have lots of toxins, and that in the worst case scenario the bruises will fade in about five days. If that is the case, I must be the Toxic fricking Avenger, man. I should have *superpowers*, dammit. Also, Harry Potter was perfectly fine. It’s a Harry Potter movie. :) miles to Minas Tirith: 466.5