big career change!

I’ve alluded to this but not spoken much about it: early this year, my agency and I parted ways over what amounts to a disgreement about the direction of my career. It’s a little nerve-wracking to split with an agent of ten years (hence my reluctance to talk about it much!), but in last month the rest of my life slowed down enough that I was able to finally focus on getting a new agent. And I am now delighted to announce that henceforth, I will be a client of…

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There are two slightly older Irish gents in my back garden, wreaking order from chaos. This makes me indescribably happy. Ted and I don’t have the tools, time or inclination to do it or the front garden space up right, and these lovely men are doing all the work for an extremely reasonable price. Young Indiana is enthralled by their activities. So am I, actually. They’re so *quick*, and we’d be so *slow*. I didn’t have the presence of mind to take a before shot of the front garden, but…

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